Monday, October 19, 2009

This is one of the coolest houses I have ever seen!

This mind teasing structure that you are viewing in pictures below was designed and developed by organic architect Javier Senosiain.
Javier Senosiain is a Mexican architect who has a peculiar taste to create numerous marvels in different patterns. This particular shell house aptly named “Nautilus House” was given shape in 2006 at a place called Naucalpan in Mexico. Being an exceptional one directly from the imagination of its architect, it naturally had to undergo enough changes testing the patience of its builder. The concept “Organic” can be well experienced from the way one feels being amidst the nature. The way the structure and the interiors have been designed is nothing but teasing the ever hungry urban population confined to concrete jungles. Do you want to be the one, dreaming different?
Senosiain Nautilus House

Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House
Senosiain Nautilus House

Senosiain Nautilus House