Monday, October 26, 2009

worst costumes ever!!!!!!

freaking tasteless...but funny as hell.....




1. Twin Towers


2. Nintendo Boy


3. Homer Simpson


4. Giving birth to your self

5. Naughty  absolution

6.Princess Leah



7. Barack Obama




9. Robotech Cyclone


10. Hot Poision Ivy

poison ivy

Friday, October 23, 2009

How do you wear these?

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE things that sparkle. With that said, of course, I would love things with glittery sequins..... But really, Underwear make with this is a bit risky.  Yes, it looks great without cloths on, and possibly dancing on a pole...but really? You can NOT wear that stuff under clothes, the sequins would catch, and really, how itchy do you think the panties are?

I guess those who buy these are either dancers, or only wear them to be taken off quickly ;)

I told you there is a Hello Kitty airlines! With Hello kitty looking food!


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EVA Air logo.png
8 March 1989
Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
Focus cities
Kaohsiung International Airport
Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport
Frequent flyer program
Evergreen Club
Member lounge
Evergreen Lounge
Fleet size
53 (+4 orders)
47 (incl. cargo)
Company slogan
Just relax, you're home in the air
Parent company
Evergreen International Corporation
Lujhu, Taoyuan County, Taiwan
Key people
Dr. Chang Yung-fa (Founder)
Lin Bou-Shiu (Chairman)
Jeng Kung-Yeun (President)
EVA Airways Corporation (pronounced "E-V-A Air(ways)"; Chinese: 長榮航空pinyin: Chángróng Hángkōng) is an airline based at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport near Taipei, Taiwan operating passenger and dedicated cargo services to over 40 international destinations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.[1] EVA Air is largely privately owned and flies a fully international route network.[2][3] It is the second largest Taiwanese airline, next in size to its main rival, China Airlines.[3] EVA Air is headquartered in Lujhu, Taoyuan County.
Since its founding in 1989 as an affiliate of shipping conglomerate Evergreen Group,[4] EVA Air has expanded to include air cargo, airline catering, ground handling, and aviation engineering services.[2] Its cargo arm, EVA Air Cargo, links with the Evergreen worldwide shipping network on sea and land.[3] Its domestic and regional subsidiary, UNI Air, operates a medium and short-haul network based out of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.[3]
EVA Air operates a mixed fleet of Airbus, Boeing, and McDonnell Douglas aircraft, with A330, B747, and B777 airliners primarily used on passenger routes, along with B747 and MD11 freighters used on cargo routes.[3] The airline was one of the first carriers to introduce the premium economy class, which it debuted in 1991.[3] EVA Air's slogan is "Just relax, you're home in the air."

A really cool clock idea..

Designer Vadim Kibardin's suh-weeeet Black & White Clock turns two dimensions into three with a series of four OLED digits, each with their own power source.
A light sensor would figure out if it's bright or dark in the room, adjusting the numbers accordingly--going dark to form numbers during the day, and bright white at night.
Status: Concept stage, seeking a manufacturer.

Posted by hipstomp |  9 Jul 2009 
found on:

Nokia is suing Apple... :(

Nokia has filed a lawsuit against Apple in Delaware District Court. The Finnish cellular giant claims that Apple is infringing on its wireless technologies patents.
Nokia holds patents on GSM, UMTS and WLAN standards and licenses that technology to more than forty other companies. Nokia claims that Apple never paid to license this technology.

From Nokia’s press release:
The ten patents in suit relate to technologies fundamental to making devices which are compatible with one or more of the GSM, UMTS (3G WCDMA), and wireless LAN standards. The patents cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption and are infringed by all Apple iPhone models shipped since the iPhone was introduced in 2007.
“The basic principle in the mobile industry is that those companies who contribute in technology development to establish standards create intellectual property, which others then need to compensate for,” said Ilkka Rahnasto, Vice President, Legal & Intellectual Property at Nokia. “Apple is also expected to follow this principle. By refusing to agree appropriate terms for Nokia’s intellectual property, Apple is attempting to get a free ride on the back of Nokia’s innovation.”
Apple has not issued a statement responding to the lawsuit at this time. We’ll post an update when they do.

October 22nd, 2009 | by Christina Warren 

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Showing the world how it really is..

I read somewhere that no movie-star, model or Hollywood figure at that lets any photo get published without their "retoucher's" approval. I believe it, and apparently those in Berlin do to....

Just found a nice Adbusting in Berlin.
On the bottom-right it says: Crew: (FTW) / Mr. Tailon, Baveux Prod., Kone & Epoxy!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My newest painting :)

ever want to turn off time?

Harc Lee – Time Switch Wall Clock

harc lee time switch Harc Lee   Time Switch Wall Clock
Designed by New York designer Harc Lee, Time Switch is a wall clock that was designed to resolve the designers own frustration with meeting deadlines and wanting to “stop time.” For anyone who wants to turn off time for a while, Time Switch offers a flip-switch solution.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another cool house. The Flower House!

The Breezy, Beautiful Brazilian Leaf House

by Bridgette Meinhold, 11/12/08
brazilian leaf house, rio de janeiro, mareines and Patalano, green building, sustainable architecture, passive cooling, rainwater recycling, organic architecture, biomorphic
Outside of Rio de Janeiro, on a beautiful little beach with amazing blue water, sits a little house with a flowering roof that shades and protects like a big tropical banana leaf. Designed by Mareines + Patalano, the open air abode is meant to encourage interaction and connection between man and nature. With verandas and open spaces in between rooms and no corridors, the tropical beach house is an ideal place for social gatherings and parties. The open layout also takes advantage of trade winds that blow in from the sea, providing natural ventilation and passive cooling.

brazilian leaf house, rio de janeiro, mareines and Patalano, green building, sustainable architecture, passive cooling, rainwater recycling, organic architecture, biomorphic

The architects describe their design as low-tech eco-efficient, due to the use of natural ventilation for cooling. Homes in the tropics rarely need much more than a breeze in order to keep the environment comfortable. As for other sustainable design techniques, the roof harvests rainwater for use in the house, and the interior is naturally finished with wood, stone and natural fabrics. We suspect the wood was harvested locally, and can only hope it was done so in a sustainable fashion.
brazilian leaf house, rio de janeiro, mareines and Patalano, green building, sustainable architecture, passive cooling, rainwater recycling, organic architecture, biomorphic
Above all the Leaf House is amazing inspiration for organic design that brings the outdoors in. It protects the inhabitants from rain and sun, while bringing in fresh breezes to cool the interior. The design was originally inspired by Brazil’s Indian Architecture, which used local materials to provide shade, protection and encourage natural breezes for cooling.

+ Mareines + Patalano Arquitetura
Via World Architecture News

bet you did not know this about Urban Outfitters...

Exposed: Urban Outfitters – Do you REALLY know?

Image courtesy of Forbes
Do you know this man? Any ideas at all?
Good. You’re not supposed to, if he has his way. In case you’re in a curious mood, however, his name is Richard Hayne and he is the President and Founder of hipster and 20-something fashion mecca, Urban Outfitters.
What? How? But he’s… nothing like you expected, is he? Hm!
Alright, since we’re playing “introductions”, let’s try another one! Do you know this man?:

Image Courtesy of Drexel University
He’s a lovely, dapper looking fellow, now isn’t he? His name is Senator Rick Santorum. He’s a squishy, right-wing conservative from Pennsylvania. He enjoys spending his time with his wife and seven kids… Playing badminton, roasting turkeys and doing all he can to ensure that gay rights are a thing of the past.
Wait, wait, wait – back up?
Yes, Rick Santorum – while still serving on the Senate (1995 – 2007) – was not only hailed as a reliable ally of GWB, but is also infamous for his ability to compare ideas. Yes! He’s quite good. Here’s a quote where he makes one of his “best” comparisons, which fell on the ears of the AP:
“If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual [gay] sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything,” – Metro Weekly, Washington DC’s LGBT Newsagazine
Um, excuse me? Homosexuality equates to incest, polygamy, and adultery? Wow, son. That’s a bit rough. Oh wait, your remarks were “misleading” when printed? Do clarify.
“My discussion with the Associated Press was about the Supreme Court privacy case, the constitutional right to privacy in general, and in context of the impact on the family,” the statement read. “I am a firm believer that all are equal under the Constitution. My comments should not be misconstrued in any way as a statement on individual lifestyles.” – Metro Weekly
Ohhhhhh… Well, in that case… B.S., Santorum. Lest we not forget how you didn’t just compare, but equated the Catholic boy-fondling preists to a “basic homosexual relationship” [AP via USA Today]. It wasn’t child molestation because the preists weren’t having sex with boys, they “were having sexual relations with post-pubescent men”. Ah, we see the difference. No, really.
Santorum is also a comedian! Did you ever hear the one about… Oh, heck. Here it is:
“If we allow gay marriage, the next thing you know people will be marrying goldfish…”
ANYWAY. What do these two guys have in common? What does the Founder and President of a seemingly gay-friendly, youth-centric fashion retail store have to do with a homophobic, small minded, ex-Senator?

Richard Haynes, President/Founder of Urban Outfitters, owner of Anthropologie and Free People contributed over $13,000 to Santorum’s campaign and Political Action Committee over the years. (Pink News, Philadelphia Weekly)

Perhaps this explains the mysterious disappearance of pro-same-sex-marriage t-shirts off the Los Angeles Urban Outfitters shelves? Hmmm…
Imagine a scene, if you will…
You run into your local Urban Outfitters, Free People or Anthropologie and scope out the newest arrivals. Oh! That jacket you’ve been longing for sits on the wall, its perfect fabric drifting slightly as a result of the A/C unit above. You walk towards it, take it down from its rack, and hold it close look at the size. It’s the last one in the store, and sold out online… This is your one chance. You lift the tag – perfect, you whisper. You try it on, it fits like a glove. You rush to the cash register and throw your change down on the counter, much to the dismay of the 19 year old kid behind the counter, purple-haired and full of facial piercings. You don’t care – the jacket is yours. You run home to covet the jacket while the cashier delicately places the money in the register while muttering incoherantly about what a total bitch you are.
He ends up taking a fraction of your jacket’s sale price in his paycheck. Another fraction goes to the store’s rent. Another to the manager (that bitch is so overpaid…). Another to the garment makers in whatever random foreign countries the jacket is made in (don’t even get me started…). The rest trickles up to our dear friend Richard Hayne. Where does it go after that? Ricky decides, my friends, and we all know he has a penchant for gay-hating senators…
Let me tell you something: It takes balls to vote with your dollar. Trust me, I’m a budget fashion blogger. Don’t laugh! I take deals where I can get them, and guess what – Urban Outfitters has killer sales. Not to mention some really, really great clothes. Hello! Silence & Noise? Kimchi Blue? Miss Sixty? I’d live in this stuff, if I could. But I don’t. Why?

Because I don’t want my dollars and cents (what few I have) to end up in the hands of anti-evolving, ignorant, bigot bastards like Rick Santorum.

Sure, he might not be in office anymore, but give any web-savvy activist 15 seconds and they’ll hand you a printed list of the new Rick Santorums who are in office and can affect our ability to change.
You can get your Jeffrey Campbell shoes elsewhere, ladies. You can find a sweet leather jacket in an independent boutique. You will survive without the aid of Free People’s sundresses.
Be smart, save the fashion community and help give relevance to it by caring about social issues like this one.

Boycott Free People, Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters.

Know where your money is going.

**A note from Jennifer: Now that you know the truth, click here to find some alternatives to Urban Outfitters .  If you’re still tempted to shop the (admittedly gorgeous) designs that companies like Free People create, this post (outing their thievery of another designer’s unique styles) should give you some more incentive not to.

WTF is wrong with people?! RL should be boycotted!

Second Ralph Lauren model in Photoshop row as she's airbrushed to become impossibly skinny

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 3:28 PM on 20th October 2009

The first time around, they claimed it was an isolated incident.
Then the second image of a Ralph Lauren model digitally altered to appear impossibly skinny emerged.

The clothing company is once again facing an outraged internet backlash after the image, featuring model Valentina Zelyaeva, appeared in a shop in Sydney, Australia.
Retouching row: Left, an image of model Valentina Zelyaeva on the Ralph Lauren website that appears to have been digitally altered; and right, the same image in what appears to be an untouched version, where the model's hips and waist are clearly curvier than in the other version

Enlarge   ralph
Oddly, both the digitally retouched image, above, and what appears to be the unaltered version, below, both appear on the Ralph Lauren Australia website, inviting instant comparisons


Oddly, it also appears in two different versions on the Ralph Lauren website - one which appears to show the model as she actually is, without being significantly digitally altered. 
In the retouched version, however, her head appears to be roughly the same size as her waist. Her hand appears almost as wide as her thigh, and her shoulders are significantly wider than her hips.
In the original version, Ms Zelyaeva's pose wrinkles her sweater on her right side. In the digitally altered version some of the wrinkled material has been clumsily airbrushed out - and the wrinkles that are left gave viewers on the impression of ribs poking out through the grey sweater. 
Ralph Lauren has not yet commented on the image, but a response is expected this afternoon.

The bizarre image sparked outrage on the web, with commentators on, where the image was posted, wondering 'why they don't just show their clothes on skeletons... or are those not skinny enough?'
Others were baffled at the idea that the image could be attractive, with some describing it as 'alien', 'astounding', and 'ugly'.
'Alien': Left, the full image from the Sydney advert as it appears on the website, with the Ralph Lauren logo across the bottom. Right, the Japanese Ralph Lauren advert featuring a digitally altered Filippa Hamilton that caused a row last week
'I'm going to go eat a cookie. That pictures scares me,' said one commentator.
The image is creating controversy just over a week after the row over an image of former Ralph Lauren model Filippa Hamilton that had been digitally retouched to make her head larger than her waist.

Ms Hamilton is said to be friendly with Ms Zelyaeva. The pair have appeared in Ralph Lauren ads together. 
Russian-born Ms Zelayaeva, 27, first began modelling for Ralph Lauren in 2005, according to a New York Magazine profile.
She has appeared in British Vogue, among other publications, and in April, 2008 was named the world's thirteenth-highest paid model by Forbes, having made $2.3million in the previous year.

The ad for Blue Label jeans featuring Ms Hamilton was run in a department store in Japan. 
Ralph Lauren initially responded by accusing websites running the image - including - of copyright infringement for reprinting the advertisement.
Ms Hamilton, left, and Ms Zelyaeva, right, appear together in an ad for Ralph Lauren's Blue Label
Ms Hamilton, left, and Ms Zelyaeva, right, appear together in an ad for Ralph Lauren's Blue Label
But another website running the image, Boing Boing, said it was protected by the ‘fair use’ provision, which allows photos to be reproduced ‘for purposes such as criticism, comment and news reporting’.
As the row over the image grew, Ralph Lauren apologised for its use.
A spokesman for Ralph Lauren said last night: ‘For over 42 years, we have built a brand based on quality and integrity.
‘After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman’s body.

‘We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every precaution to ensure that the calibre of our artwork represents our brand appropriately.’
Ms Hamilton added to the controversy by claiming she had been fired from the label for being overweight.

The 23-year-old 5ft10in model, a size 8, said she had been told she was too large for their clothes.

Polo Ralph Lauren denied her claims, saying their relationship ended 'as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her contract'.

'The image in question was mistakenly released and used in a department store in Japan and was not the approved image which ran in the U.S. We take full responsibility,' the statement said.
'This error has absolutely no connection to our relationship with Filippa Hamilton.'

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